Abortion – #34

Time for a Rant on this subject again since it seems like according to the Huffington Port that the new GOP congress passed a law that would have abortions not covered by Medicaid, or get insurance that includes abortion coverage.

This is one of those things that I am stuck in the middle with.  First off, let it be clear that I am totally for a woman’s right to choose.  Things may have happened that maybe the pregnancy wasn’t planned.  Maybe it was a hook up and mom doesn’t know who the dad is.  Maybe it’s a teen who is still in high school.  Or maybe a couple just can’t afford to have a child.  It is not my right to say if that person should or should not have a child, just like they have no right in telling me who I can and cannot love.

This is my biggest peeve about anti-abortion:  If the mother doesn’t want, or cant’ afford, the child and gives the baby up for adoption, who is going to be responsible for the cost of raising that baby?  Who is going to pay for the medical, the clothing, the food.  According to this article again from theHuffington Post “The average cost of raising a child born in 2013 up until age 18 for a middle-income family in the U.S. is approximately $245,340 (or $304,480, adjusted for projected inflation), according to the latest annual “Cost of Raising A Child” report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  I hope your little anti-abortion group has a cool quarter million sitting around for each child you save.

What about the harm it is going to do the child if they grow up adopted and never know who their real parents are?  Maybe they will feel as though they weren’t wanted and get into depression.  More medical costs there.  What if the child end up living with the parents who wanted to abort and they live a life of extreme poverty because of that.  Don’t you think that the parents would blame the child for how  their life turned out if it goes bad?  I see a kid who ends up in a deep depression and ends up taking their own life.  Is this really the type of life you want to put the child and parents in just because YOU think its wrong to have an abortion?  If you don’t like the fact that XYZ person is having an abortion, then don’t F*****G go watch!  Don’t get to know them, don’t “Friend” them on Facebook.  Get real people!!

But now we turn the tables.  Do I think that the government should pay for, or subsidize part of, the abortion? It depends.  If it is a case of pregnancy by rape, or the life of the mother or baby is on the line, then yes, I would be OK with the government paying for it.  But because you went out and hooked up with a couple of guys at a party, got drunk, had sex with three of them, didn’t get their names or numbers, and a few weeks later found your your having a baby?  Nope, you’re on your own then for the bill.  Would I agree to the abortion in that situation?  I would have to know about the situation of the mother, but in general, yes I would probably agree.  But you’re on hook for the bill.

It’s just like me for example.  If I go out and have sex with a bunch of people (been there, done that) and I ended up with a serious STD (fortunately not), and it was all voluntary, I would not expect to have the government pay for my medical treatment.  It was my choice to have sex and I had to pay the consequence.

Even if you are a married couple, and you use protection, each time you have sex you should keep in mind that things can go wrong and you could end up with a baby.  It was your choice to have sex.  It is your choice to have the abortion.  But you should be the one to foot the bill for it.  Expecting the government to bail you out for every bad decision is what got the country in the mess it’s in right now.  Is it only young people like myself that seem to think that people need to take more responsibility for their actions?

I about gagged when I read this quote from the first article: Social conservatives celebrated the move. “This is another victory for taxpayers, women, and their unborn children,” the Family Research Council said in a statement. That is unless the women can’t afford to have that child (remember that cool quarter million?) or the child is going to have a miserable life because somebody else wanted them born.

If you can come up with the $250,000 PER CHILD, and then be the one to tell that child why they don’t live with their mom and dad when the time comes, or why they have had to live in poverty the whole time because mom and dad had to raise them, then by all means you go right ahead and save every baby you can.  Otherwise, keep your F*****G mouth shut!!!

Because I know for a fact that the people shouting outside that abortion clinic are NOT going to be present at the time of the kid’s birth.  They are not going to be sending birthday cards and Christmas presents.  They are going to forget about that child the moment that they are born.

So yea,  do I agree with the House vote?  To a point.  But abortion rights have a long way to go.

Signing off.  Love to you all as always!!


[Originally Posted 1/22/15]

Abortion – #7

Keep your damn hands off someone else’s body is what I say!!  So yea, I guess that puts me right in the middle of the women’s right to choose category. As is should be!

Beyond this issues of homelessness and people going hungry, this is one of the top things that I would say I’m for.  Why does someone else, who is not part of your family, has no idea of your situation, doesn’t know if you work or not, doesn’t know if your able to support a child, get to tell you that you have to have the baby? And then they are going to turn around again and charge you for neglect when you have the baby and then cant support it! Would that be considered hypocritical?

I do realize what the argument is.  When is the baby alive?  And I do believe that a baby is alive the moment the sperm and the egg get together.  And would it be a perfect world if every baby that was conceived get born?  Sure.  But at the same time I don’t want to see a baby get born to either a person that didn’t want a baby in the first place, or a family that cant support it.  That is just cruel.

Think of what you are putting that kid through.  The baby gets born, put up for adoption, spends three years on average in the system, gets with a family, grows up to be a teenager, finds out they were adopted, wonders why their real parents gave them up, searches out their real parents, finds out they were unwanted, and then has to leave in shame.  Is that REALLY what society wants to do to these kids?  If so, you ought to be ashamed of YOURSELVES!

No in the first place, a man and a woman that sleep together should have the common sense to realize that out of the act there may be a kid involved later on.  And if your not ready to support that kid nine months down the road, then you probably shouldn’t have had sex in the first place.  And the guy in the one night stand had better be ready to cough it up if the gal decides that she wants to keep the baby.  You were part of that transaction, pal!

But in the end this is ANOTHER situation of society telling someone what they can or cannot do with their own body.  And to that I say Hands Off.  Your pushing your own religious beliefs off on somebody else.  If you want to see what end result of too many kids and not enough parents is, go volunteer at a homeless shelter, a soup kitchen, a boarding house, or an orphanage.  Then you may come to your senses.

If you want all the women that want or need to have abortions to keep their children, I hope that your willing to shell out the bucks to support the kid if the mother and father cant.  I hope your willing to tell that child when they are old enough why it was that their parents had to give them up.  If your not, then back off.

Too many kids are living bad lives because their parents couldn’t, or wouldn’t take care of them.  Let’s not make any more go through that hell.


[Originally Posted 10/15/14]

Right to Life…..Or a Woman’s Choice?

This is a Rant that I’m expecting so wild replies to.  So to start it off: Who the fuck are you to tell me what I can’t and can’t do with my body anyhow?  Yea Yea Yea, I’m a guy, I know that.  I didn’t forget that fact overnight.  But the question is still the same.  Who else better to know the details behind the decision that the woman herself.

Think about this:  I’m a woman who lives with my parents, or has roommates, or other family.  I’m unemployed, so I have no health insurance.  And if I had a job it’s still going to leave me living in poverty.  And yes, my boyfriend and I did use protection, but that’s not 100% proof, and oops, yep, I got pregnant.  You really want me to have a child that I KNOW I wont be able to afford to take care of?  You want me to just dump the child into the foster care program?  What are you thinking?

Yes, I do believe that if straight people are going to have sex, protected or not, they should be ready for the consequence of what could happen.  My ultimatum would be if you cant afford to have a kid, then don’t do the activity that could end up making one.  But again who am I to tell what someone can and can’t do with their body?

It goes the same for prostitution and BDSM slavery.  Those are both lifestyles that nobody else except those involved should care about.  Here is another example: Your best friend at work come in tomorrow morning and says “Man, my Master whipped and flogged me so good last night.  I’ve got some nice marks on my back from it.  You wanna check them out?” (And yes, a buddy of mine from L.A. actually did ask me that one time).  He says that and there is not a thing that anybody can do to stop that.  But a woman come in the same day and says “I made $300 off of two Johns last night.  Not bad for a couple hours work.” She says that and all hell breaks loose.

And I know that is a little off topic of pregnancy, but the concept is still the same.  According to DHHS there were 400,000 children in foster care in 2012.  And according to AIR there are 1.6 Million children that suffer homelessness each in the U.S. alone.  Is this the kind of system that we would want to bring another child into?.  I would hope the answer is NO.

Now lets turn the story around.  If there were more people wanting to adopt and take in a child then there were children available then I would say a resounding yes to Right to Life.  But that is a long ways away.  So in the meantime, lets let the person that is actually in the position of having to care for that child once he/she comes into the world make the decision on whether or not they are going to be able to care for it.

And for all you Right to Lifer’s, if your willing to take on the care of the child that your fighting to save then I’m all for you.  But if you want to demand that that person have the baby but aren’t willing to help support it, then I have no respect for you.

So yea wow, there is my welcome back Rant after a few weeks off.  Let the opinions fly!

[Originally Posted 5/14/14]